Thursday, 23 June 2011

painting a polaroid

The first in a new body of work, exploring the intricate relationship between painting and photography. Entertaining the idea of capturing moments, re-introducing perspective and revisiting memory.
(Soon to be exhibited... Watch this space...)

Monday, 13 June 2011


Something new I am trying. A bit different from what I usually do. I like to challenge myself frequently, see things in a new light, paint something in a way I haven't painted before/in a very long time.
This is an artwork that is sentimental, a photo from my family album.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Thursday, 9 June 2011

the birds

Still digging in the archives.
I find myself frequently fascinated with birds.  Swallows being my favourite fascination, but doves tend to steal my attention with their almost unnoticeable grey. 

'heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove...' Mattew 3:16

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Pieter and the painting

While I am still a busy bee, working hard on my new body of work, and thus can not show any new paintings yet, I dug into the archives. This is what I found and really have to share...

I was documenting our Final Year's Exhibition.
Truly, I am not a photographer, I am a painter. But these photo's are something special. It may just be the subject matter, or the memory, but I always smile when I look at them.
My husband (boyfriend at the time) was such a gentleman to help me clean the carpets, and I snapped these few shots of him with one of my paintings in the backgound...

And it gives a really good impression of size of my work!